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Body. Mind. Reprogramming.

We work as primary caregivers for our patients. We are passionate and compassionate professionals, driven by the mission helping more people live a better and happier life everyday. Our duties include conducting mental health assessments, developing individualized treatment plans, running preventative mental wellness classes or workshop and making treatment referrals.

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Our Approach

We care, We Love and We are your lifestyle Coach. 

The Breez Experience  With US

Vibrant Essence Solution specializes in the development of wellness services to help establish wellness platforms to meet the demand.

We provide holistic health and wellbeing support


We are developing an entire series of “Wellness ecosystem” to meet the future of wellness, exploring the fast changing, fast growing wellness industry.

Professional Clinical Therapy Treatment


In  the Vibrant Essence team  , our team has more than 10 years of experience in psychotherapy, helping more than countless clients solve their psychological and life problems and troubles, and assisting people to improve their quality of life. 


Our customers come from Malaysia, Singapore, and international groups, and have received good reviews from individual cases!

Our professional psychotherapy team is internationally certified, with professional education, professional certification and rich experience. Our clients will be provided professional consultation and treatment plans to help them find out the root of the problem, and deal with the current problem based on the root of the problem, and move towards the goal and success together.

​At the same time, we also provide personal online video psychotherapy work.


Physical Wellness Program

We provide variety of wellness solution

  • Health screening

  • Physical Health Assessment

  • Dietetic Counselling

  • Stemcell nebulizer therapy


Personal Development Workshop

We hold preventive mental health courses or seminars to reach as many people as possible because we believe that "prevention is better than cure".

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Corporate Training

Corporate who needs to provide staff training due to the complexity of personnel development. We will tailor a corporate training program for your company according to your company goals and needs. 

How Did I Know That I Need Therapy

When you encounter the following emotional problems and however these problems have affected your life;

  • Do not know how to cope with the stress and troubles in life, feel overwhelmed.

  • Often feel pressured and even want to give up, very helpless

  • Often in a state of complaining, consumption and negative or pessimistic thinking

  • Have been unable to let go because of certain incidents, many problems are silently endured

Upcoming Events


“I would like to thank Dr.Madeline so much your wonderful hypnotherapy sessions as I find it very effective for resolving my personal life issues that I kept bottled up throughout this years. Your sessions have helped me to overcome my darkest fears and become more positive and clear headed into achieving the goals that I had forgotten and to become a better, stronger and wiser me. Thank You for coaching me and I will always be grateful for your patience when it comes to unearthing the giant within me. ”

- Nicole Kew, 36 -

"First timer to this section, feeling the relaxation and reduce plenty of inner stress which accumulated long time. After the section get very refreshing and positive energy. Looking forward to another section soon"

Spring, 38


​丹, 19岁

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