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Our Therapy Services:

Psychotherapy work (Individual, Teens, Family Therapy)

Psychotherapy can take on different formats depending on the approach of the therapist and the needs of the patient. The goal is for a trained psychotherapist to help their client tackle specific or general problems such as a particular mental illness or a source of life stress.

While a wide range of techniques and strategies can be used, almost all types of psychotherapy involve developing a therapeutic relationship, communicating and creating a dialogue, and working to overcome problematic thoughts or behaviors. Therapy work can be done face to face or teletherapy

A. Clinical Hypnotherapy services

Hypnosis is a different state of consciousness which you can naturally enter so that, for therapeutic purposes, beneficial corrections may be given directly to your unconscious mind. In this way, hypnosis is an effective way of making contact with our inner (unconscious) self, which is both a reservoir of unrecognised potential and knowledge as well as being the unwitting source of many of our problems.

Clinical hypnotherapy means using advanced methods of hypnosis and other techniques to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems and upwards of 85 per cent of people will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy.

Discover the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Every moment that you are awake, your five senses are taking in a constant stream of information. These experiences are stored as memories, like a computer stores data. But we do not need to actively recall most of this information. In fact, we probably forget 95-99% of our daily activities.

However, we know these thoughts and images are still in your brain because hypnosis can bring back deep memories.

Studies in the field of psychology on how the brain works indicate that the experiences we have shape the way we think and act, especially experiences in our early childhood. Although you do not remember most of your life data, the unconscious data in your head influence 90 to 95% of your behavior.

Your subconscious mind can be compared to flying a plane on autopilot. It is constantly running programs to control how we walk, sit, breathe, talk, and so on. We don’t have to think about these things, they just happen because the information to do them is stored in your brain.

Every moment that you are awake, your five senses are taking in a constant stream of information. These experiences are stored as memories, like a computer stores data. But we do not need to actively recall most of this information. In fact, we probably forget 95-99% of our daily activities.

However, we know these thoughts and images are still in your brain because hypnosis can bring back deep memories.

B. Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.

It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems

C. Counselling

Psychology Counseling is a specialty within professional psychology that maintains a focus on facilitating personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span. The specialty pays particular attention to emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organizational concerns.


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Free Of Charge

  • 30 min 

  • 1 to 1 therapy session either on line or off line

  • Personal Consultation



RM300 every session

  • 60 - 120 min 

  • 1 to 1 therapy with professional mental health therapist.

  • session either on line or off line

  • entitle for upgrade value plan



RM250 every session

  • 60 - 120 min 

  • 1 to 1 therapy with professional mental health therapist.

  • session either on line or off line

  • entitle for upgrade value plan

Our consultation fees



RM200 every session

  • 60 - 120 min 

  • 1 to 1 therapy with professional mental health therapist.

  • session either on line or off line

  • entitle for upgrade value plan



RM150 every session

  • 60 - 120 min 

  • 1 to 1 therapy with professional mental health therapist.

  • session either on line or off line

  • entitle for upgrade value plan

Meet Our Therapist

Start therapy, mental health support. Meet our qualified and trained therapist. 



Dr. Madelene

An advocate of Integrated Health Coach and a Holistic Healing Therapist dealing mainly on emotional wellness and certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She is also a Corporate Trainer and certified HRD Corp Trainer.

Handling adolescents and young adults has been her forte.

She believes in developing a passion for learning will never cease to grow.


Sindy Yip


Chin Soon Lee

Committee Member

"Give Yourself a chance to embrace life in your world."

I am a member of MSCH and graduate diploma at LCCH. Experiences consulting and event management with 3 years of student recruitment with different university. Realize hypnosis is a powerful tools that can help positive life transformation. I uses hypnosis to help client to overcome fear, to enabling emotions and behavior change by leading client to understand their subconscious mind. I believed mental health is equally important and in fact a lot of diseases steamed from emotional challenge. 

Soon Lee is a pharmacist-turned Clinical Hypnotherapist. Through her years of experience as a pharmacist, she has come to know many who prefer not to take medication for their conditions, if possible. She has also observed that many of our negative emotions such as feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed are manifested as physical symptoms such as pain, sleeping problems, headaches, stomach upset and skin problems. Vice versa, what happens in our body also influences how our mind works. This led her to believe in using a more holistic approach that treats not only the symptoms but takes the client’s mental health state into consideration.


Her general approach is to listen and understand the needs and goals of each client, help them construct solutions to their problems, and help them visualize success. She works with clients to guide them away from problem-oriented thinking to problem-solving, hence helping them get unstuck, regain their well-being, reduce their sufferings, and reclaim their life.


She speaks English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.


Ivy Yang

Ivy Yang 是一名在职的心理辅导员, 同时也是伦敦临床催眠学院的初级讲师和临床督导员. 她在卫生保健机构从事照顾护理精神疾患的职业长达17年, 积累了丰富的临床知识和经验. 

她相信每个人本来都有他们自己独一无二的能力和难能可贵的价值, 但有点遗憾的是由于各种原因, 这些能力和价值常常会被埋没和扭曲, 然后不得不承受巨大的精神煎熬, 不能更有效健康地成长和生活. Ivy yang 十分愿意陪同有需要的人一起探索他们外在和内心世界, 帮助他们慢慢走出黑暗, 建立自己有价值有意义的中心. 让我们一起了解多点自己的和别人的情绪,  一起创造一个更有慈悲, 善良和坚强的社会. 


 Mikhael Iskhandaar

I am a qualified hypnotherapist with a member of BSCH. Experience in consulting and coordinate event management for 14 years in different social activities. 


David Chan

Committee Member

David Chan is a seasoned Business Consultant with extensive experience in various aspects of business management. He has a proven track record of planning, sourcing, evaluating, and implementing management and control systems. He is skilled in developing strategies for change, improving organizational efficiency, and implementing in-house applications for supply chain management. He is also well-versed in cost control management, network design, merger and acquisition, and financial improvement.

David Chan has worked with various governmental departments in different regions of the world in addition to a diverse range of companies across different industries such as electronics and semiconductor, financial services, agricultural and aquacultural, and hospitality.

Before establishing himself as a Business Consultant with his own practice. He worked as a Senior Manager at Nam Fatt Corporation Berhad where he was responsible for group business development. He also served as Country Head at Ascent Capital International Ltd, Hong Kong and Business Development Manager at Supermax Corporation Bhd where he gained valuable experience in business development.

David is also an advocate for active and healthy living. He is a certified national race official (NRO) by MDBF (Malaysia Dragonboat Federation) and has participated in various national and international races within the region. He is also a certified professional trainer and assessor recognized by the HRD (Human Resource Development Corporation) and DOSH (Department of Occupational Safety and Health) where he conducts various competencies training and assessments. His exceptional experience and expertise have earned him a reputation as a highly sought-after Business Consultant who delivers results.

Committee Member

Committee Member

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